Now is the Perfect Time to Prepare Your Austin Air Conditioner for Spring

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Homeowners in Austin and surrounding areas probably aren’t thinking about spring and summer quite yet, but the fact is spring is just a few weeks away. Right now you want to be warm and toasty, exactly the opposite of what you’ll want when temps warm up. As trusted central Texas HVAC professionals we can tell you that now is the ideal time to get your A/C system prepared for spring. Here’s why, along with a few tips you’ll find useful.

Why is it important to prep your cooling system?

Lots of homeowners simply ignore their cooling systems until they need them, or put of preparing their A/C until the last minute. You can save a lot of stress and possibly money by checking out your cooling system now, rather than waiting until that day that it’s suddenly 90 degrees outdoors. Optimize energy-efficiency and reduce repair risks now so you don’t face unexpected (and unpleasant) surprises when temperature soar to uncomfortable levels.

Here’s what to do indoors

Check out your unit to be sure it’s free from dust, dirt and other debris that could put you at an increased fire risk.

Replace the air filter. Although it’s one of the cheapest components of your HVAC system, we cannot stress enough the importance of replacing the air filter. A quality filter not only helps your system function more efficiently and makes your home more comfortable, it’s also vital for the best possible indoor air quality.

Kick your system into gear to see how it’s working. A test run is vital to make sure you don’t face any unpleasant surprises when warm temperatures roll in. When it’s not too cool outdoors, turn your system on and let it run for a half hour or so. During this time check your vents to ensure good air flow, and pay attention to any strange odors or noises.

Even when you think everything’s in good working order, a tune-up is a good idea. There are lots of things going on behind the scenes that homeowners simply can’t see or detect. A tune-up will ensure your cooling system performs its best, providing your family comfort throughout the season along with peace of mind – not to mention keeping energy costs to a minimum.

And here’s what to do outdoors

Clean away dirt and debris from the outdoor unit. You want to be careful not to bend the fins, and a stiff-bristle brush works wonders to clean away spider webs, dust, dirt and debris from panels. This is important as your A/C system will be able to remove heat from your home more efficiently.

Inspect the fins. Bent fins or those that are clogged with debris make it difficult for your unit to eliminate hot air. This means your system works harder to cool your home, which not only impacts its lifespan but energy efficiency. If you find that some of your fins are bent, almost any flat tool is useful for straightening them back out.

Why wait until the last minute to find out if your air conditioning system is in good working order, ready to deliver cool, comfortable air to your home during spring and summer months? Unpleasant and expensive last-minute surprises can ruin even the most beautiful spring day. For all of your Austin air conditioning needs, count on Schneider Mechanical to deliver beyond your expectations.


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